Manually shutting down Guardium Data Security Center

Shut down the Guardium Data Security Center pods to stop the Guardium Data Security Center service.

Before you begin

Log in to your Guardium Data Security Center cluster. From there, switch to the Guardium Data Security Center OpenShift® namespace by using the oc project command. For example:
oc project <guardium_data_security_center_namespace>

This task requires the use of Guardium Data Security Center support scripts. To learn how to access these scripts, see this topic.


  1. Halt all incoming data streams.
  2. Suspend all cron jobs by issuing this command:
    oc patch `oc get cronjobs -n=$<guardium_data_security_center_namespace> -oname` -p '{"spec" : {"suspend" : true }}'

    where <guardium_data_security_center_namespace> is the Guardium Data Security Center OpenShift namespace that you created when preparing your environment.

    The output is similar to the following example:

    cronjob.batch/staging-ibm-insights-sequencer-datamart-cleanup patched
    cronjob.batch/staging-ibm-insights-sequencer-reports-cleanup patched
    cronjob.batch/staging-tenant-fetcher-ae patched
    cronjob.batch/staging-tenant-fetcher-ap patched
    cronjob.batch/staging-tenant-fetcher-dr patched
    cronjob.batch/staging-tenant-fetcher-emaild patched
    cronjob.batch/staging-tenant-fetcher-emailp patched
    cronjob.batch/staging-tenant-fetcher-groupb patched
  3. Verify that the Kafka system is drained by following the steps in this topic.
  4. To confirm that Guardium Data Security Center is not currently writing to the database, use the support script to stop the Guardium Data Security Center services:
    ./scripts/ stop

    The output is similar to the following example:

    deployment.extensions/staging-analytics-events scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-analytics-extract scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-apigateway scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-assets scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-audit scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-configuration scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-data-retention scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-datamart-processor scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-db2-store scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-fetch scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-group-builder scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-guardium-agent-cert-generator scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-guardium-connector scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-health-collector scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-insights scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-jumpbox scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-mini-snif scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-notifications scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-outlier2 scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-outlier2-aggregation scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-pa-alert scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-pa-core scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-parquet-store scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-pipeline-config scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-recommendation scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-reports scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-reports-runner scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-risk-engine scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-risk-register scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-risk-threats scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-scheduler scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-ssh-service scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-streams scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-tenant-user scaled
    deployment.extensions/staging-ticketing scaled
    Successfully Stopped Guardium Insights microservices
  5. Shut down the Db2® instance.
    1. Exec into the Db2 Warehouse pod by running the following command:
      oc exec -ti staging-ibm-db2u-db2u-0 /bin/bash
    2. Temporarily disable the built-in High Availability (HA):
      sudo wvcli system disable -m "Disable HA before Db2 maintenance"
    3. Become the Db2 instance owner:
      su - ${DB2INSTANCE}
    4. Stop the database with the db2stop command.
    5. To verify that all Db2 interprocess communications are cleaned, run the following command:
  6. Pause the db2u pod by creating a temporarily renamed backup copy of it and then removing it:
    1. To determine the ICP4Data (database-db2wh) worker node, run the following command:
      oc get nodes -Licp4data

      This command returns a list of nodes similar to this example, where you locate the node with the database-db2wh label:

      NAME                     STATUS   ROLES                                     AGE   VERSION   ICP4DATA    Ready    master                                    26d   v1.16.2    Ready    master                                    26d   v1.16.2    Ready    master                                    26d   v1.16.2    Ready    cp-management,cp-master,cp-proxy,worker   26d   v1.16.2    Ready    worker                                    26d   v1.16.2    Ready    worker                                    25d   v1.16.2   database-db2wh

      In this example, is the database-db2wh node.

      Note: Make note of the node that you change (for example, because you need to change the label back when you restart Guardium Data Security Center.
    2. Temporarily change the label by running the following command:
      oc edit node <database-db2wh_node>

      where <database-db2wh_node> is the ICP4Data node (for example,

      Scroll to labels and then to icp4data, and change the value to any temporary value.

    3. Delete the db2u pod by issuing these commands:
      oc delete pod staging-ibm-db2u-db2u-0
      oc delete pod staging-ibm-db2u-etcd-0 (delete 0-2)
      oc delete pod staging-ibm-db2u-db2u-ldap-6bd6b58ccd-p2957
      oc delete pod staging-ibm-db2u-db2u-tools-7d7dcfdd8f-lfxrg
      After you run these commands, if you run the oc get pods command, the db2u pod is listed in Pending state.
  7. To scale down the Kafka and Zookeeper pods, scale down the replicas in the events operator:
    1. Switch to the ibm-common-services namespace:
      oc project ibm-common-services
    2. To search for the events operator, issue this command:
      oc get pods
      In the returned output, locate the operator, for example:
      ibm-events-operator-v3.7.1               1/1     1            1           112d
    3. Edit the replicas and set the operator to running by issuing this command:
      oc edit deployment ibm-events-operator-v3.7.1
    4. Scroll to spec.replicas and set it to 0 (zero).
      Locate the following part of the file:
      uid: 0481226f-52ea-4d39-aee0-bea37ab3fab6
        progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
        replicas: 1
        revisionHistoryLimit: 1

      And set replicas: 1 to replicas: 0.

    5. Switch back to the Guardium Data Security Center OpenShift namespace:
      oc project <guardium_data_security_center_namespace>
    6. Retrieve the Security Token Service (STS) list and then delete the Zookeeper and Kafka stateful sets:
      oc get sts
      oc delete sts staging-zookeeper
      oc delete sts staging-kafka
    7. To verify that the Kafka pods are shut down, run the oc get sts command and then verify that the Zookeeper and Kafka stateful sets are gone. In addition, issue the oc get pods command and verify that the staging-kafka-0 and staging-zooker-0 pods pods are gone.
  8. Determine all current replicas by issuing this command:
    oc get sts$<guardium_data_security_center_namespace>

    The output is similar to the following example:

    c-staging-db2-db2u                        0/1     7h49m
    c-staging-db2-etcd                        0/1     7h49m
    c-staging-redis-m                         3/3     7h54m
    c-staging-redis-s                         3/3     7h53m
    staging-mongodb                           1/1     7h54m
    stagingvva6nkxhz6jgylyqydhxkv-mini-snif   0/0     7h28m
  9. Determine the stateful set:
    oc get sts

    The output is similar to the following example:

    NAME                                      READY   AGE
    c-staging-db2-db2u                        0/1     7h49m
    c-staging-db2-etcd                        0/1     7h49m
    c-staging-redis-m                         3/3     7h54m
    c-staging-redis-s                         3/3     7h53m
    staging-mongodb                           1/1     7h54m
    stagingvva6nkxhz6jgylyqydhxkv-mini-snif   0/0     7h28m
  10. Scale down all replicas except the db2u stateful set:
    1. To see all current replicas in your Guardium Data Security Center OpenShift namespace, run the following command:
      oc get sts -lrelease=<guardium_data_security_center_namespace>

      The output is similar to the following example:

      bitnami-zookeeper            3/3     122m
      staging-ibm-db2u-db2u        0/1     122m
      staging-ibm-db2u-etcd        2/3     122m
      staging-ibm-redis-sentinel   3/3     122m
      staging-ibm-redis-server     2/2     122m
      staging-kafka                3/3     122m
      staging-mongodb-arbiter      1/1     122m
      staging-mongodb-primary      1/1     122m
      staging-mongodb-secondary    1/1     122m

      For example, staging-ibm-db2u-db2u has 1 replica, and staging-ibm-db2u-etcd has 3 replicas.

      Important: Make note of the results of the command. Even though you scale down the number of replicas to 0 (zero), when you restart Guardium Data Security Center, you must scale the replicas back to the original numbers that you see in this output.
    2. Scale down each stateful set (except staging-ibm-db2u-db2u and staging-ibm-db2u-etcd) individually by running this command:
      oc scale sts <statefulset> --replicas=0

      where <statefulset> is each of the preceding stateful sets. Using the preceding example, run the following commands:

      oc scale sts bitnami-zookeeper --replicas=0
      oc scale sts staging-ibm-redis-sentinel --replicas=0
      oc scale sts staging-ibm-redis-server --replicas=0
      oc scale sts staging-kafka --replicas=0
      oc scale sts staging-mongodb-arbiter --replicas=0
      oc scale sts staging-mongodb-primary --replicas=0
      oc scale sts staging-mongodb-secondary --replicas=0


Guardium Data Security Center is shut down. To restart, follow the instructions in Manually restarting Guardium Data Security Center.

What to do next

To verify that no Guardium Data Security Center pods are running, run the following command again:

oc get sts -lrelease=<guardium_data_security_center_namespace>

A successful output shows no pods in a Running state, and the db2u pods are listed in Pending state.