Verifying the installation

Verify that the installation is successful.


  1. Verify the installation by running the following command:
    oc get guardiumdatasecuritycenter –w
    All pods must be in a running or complete state. Example:
    NAME    TYPE      STATUS   REASON                       MESSAGE                                 DESIRED_VERSION   INSTALLED_VERSION
    sysqa   Running   True     Running                      Running reconciliation                  3.6.0
    sysqa   Running   True     Reconciling                  Starting to Reconcile                   3.6.0
    sysqa   Running   True     Reconciling                  Starting to Reconcile                   3.6.0
    sysqa   Running   True     GuardiumDataSecurityCenter   Guardium Platform install in progress   3.6.0
    sysqa   Running   True     Running                      Running reconciliation                  3.6.0
    sysqa   Running   True     Reconciling                  Starting to Reconcile                   3.6.0
    sysqa   Running   True     Reconciling                  Starting to Reconcile                   3.6.0
    sysqa   Running   True     GuardiumDataSecurityCenter   Guardium Platform install in progress   3.6.0
  2. Next, run the following command:
    oc get guardiumdatasecuritycenter
    The Guardium® Data Security Center status must appear as follows:
    staging   Ready   True     Completed   Completed Reconciliation   3.6.0            3.6.0
    Tip: The displayed versions in the output vary based on the Guardium Data Security Center version that you want to install and the current version on your system.