Installing Guardium Data Security Center operator and related components
- Obtain the CASE bundle.
- Your
login credentials areCP_REPO_USER="cp"
andCP_REPO_PASS=entitlement key
that is available at - Set the following environment variables.
export CP_REPO_USER=<Your Username to> export CP_REPO_PASS=<Your Password / Entitlement Key to> export NAMESPACE=<your chosen namespace>
- Create the following environment variables with the installer image name and the
version. For example, to use version 3.6.0, specify the 2.6.0 bundle file.
export CASE_NAME=ibm-guardium-data-security-center export CASE_VERSION=2.6.0 export LOCAL_CASE_DIR=$HOME/.ibm-pak/data/cases/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION
Important: If you do not specify the CASE version, it downloads the latest CASE. - Save the CASE bundle locally.
oc ibm-pak get $CASE_NAME \ --version $CASE_VERSION \ --skip-verify
Important: If you encounter the following error, you may experience a temporary communication problem with the remote repository. Wait a few minutes and try again.No Case registries found for case ibm-cert-manager->=1.3.0 <1.3.1.tgz with the given repository URL information FAILED
- Your
- Install the Guardium Data Security Center operator and
related components.
- Switch the namespace in which you installed IBM® Common
Services in the previous step for your
installation, and change the context into it with this command.
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=${NAMESPACE}
For example, the namespace can bestaging
. - Set the inventory setup.
export GI_INVENTORY_SETUP=install
- To disable prerequisite checks, run the following command.
- Label the Db2 nodes by running the per-install command.
oc ibm-pak launch $CASE_NAME \ --version $CASE_VERSION \ --inventory $GI_INVENTORY_SETUP \ --action pre-install \ --namespace $NAMESPACE \ --args "-n ${NAMESPACE} -h <DB worker host> -l <true/false> -e true"
The parameters that are used in this script are described in Manually installing Guardium Data Security Center online.
- Obtain the running
NODES=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}') NODES=$(echo $NODES | tr ' ' ',') echo $NODES
- Export the node information:
export CASE_NAME=ibm-guardium-data-security-center export CASE_VERSION=2.6.0 export LOCAL_CASE_DIR=$HOME/.ibm-pak/data/cases/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION export NAMESPACE=<your namespace> export GI_INVENTORY_SETUP=install export IBMPAK_LAUNCH_SKIP_PREREQ_CHECK=true kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=${NAMESPACE}
- Use the node information in the following command.
oc ibm-pak launch $CASE_NAME \ --version $CASE_VERSION \ --inventory $GI_INVENTORY_SETUP \ --action pre-install \ --namespace $NAMESPACE \ --args "-n ${NAMESPACE} -h ${NODES} -t false -l true -e true"
- To confirm successful labeling, run the following
oc get nodes --no-headers -o custom-columns="" | xargs -I {} sh -c 'oc describe node {} | grep db2 | grep -v $NAMESPACE'
You receive
in response.
- Obtain the running
- Switch the namespace in which you installed IBM® Common
Services in the previous step for your
installation, and change the context into it with this command.
- Install the catalogs.
- Run this command:
oc ibm-pak launch $CASE_NAME \ --version $CASE_VERSION \ --inventory $GI_INVENTORY_SETUP \ --action install-catalog \ --namespace openshift-marketplace \ --args "--inputDir ${LOCAL_CASE_DIR}"
- Verify that the catalogs are installed:
oc get catsrc -n openshift-marketplace NAME DISPLAY TYPE PUBLISHER AGE certified-operators Certified Operators grpc Red Hat 29h community-operators Community Operators grpc Red Hat 29h ibm-cloud-databases-redis-operator-catalog ibm-cloud-databases-redis-1.6.5 grpc IBM 29h ibm-db2uoperator-catalog ibm-db2uoperator-5.1.4 grpc IBM 29h ibm-guardium-insights-operator-catalog ibm-guardium-insights-2.4.0-linux-amd64 grpc IBM 29h opencloud-operators IBMCS Operators grpc IBM 29h redhat-marketplace Red Hat Marketplace grpc Red Hat 29h redhat-operators Red Hat Operators grpc Red Hat 29h
- Run this command:
- Install the operators.
- Run this command:
oc ibm-pak launch $CASE_NAME \ --version $CASE_VERSION \ --inventory $GI_INVENTORY_SETUP \ --action install-operator \ --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \ --args "--registry --user ${CP_REPO_USER} --pass ${CP_REPO_PASS} --secret ibm-entitlement-key --inputDir ${LOCAL_CASE_DIR}"
- Verify that the operators are installed:
oc get sub
The expected output is similar to:NAME PACKAGE SOURCE CHANNEL ibm-redis-cp-operator-catalog-subscription ibm-cloud-databases-redis-operator ibm-redis-cp-operator-catalog v1.1 ibm-db2uoperator-catalog-subscription db2u-operator ibm-db2uoperator-catalog v110509.0 ibm-guardium-insights-operator-subscription ibm-guardium-insights-operator ibm-guardium-insights-operator-catalog v3.3
- Run this command: