Creating response templates

Response templates are used to configure the task responses that the reviewer will be presented with. Each task response configuration requires at least two responses.

Before you begin

To create a response template, click Response templates in the Workflows page and then click Create response template in the Response templates page. Or, when you are choosing a task template, click Create response template.

Response templates are saved to Guardium Data Security Center so that you can reuse them in different workflows.


  • For the first response:
    • Provide a name for the response in the Response title field. This is the value that will appear to recipients when they respond.
    • Provide a Stored value for the response.
    • Provide instructions, if desired.
    • If responses are optional, move the slider to Optional. If they are required, move the slider to Required.
  • Create the second response in the same manner that you created the first response.
  • To create additional responses, click Add another response.
  • Click Next.
  • Provide a Name for the response template.
  • Click Create response template.

What to do next

After adding a response template, you can edit it by selecting Edit next to it in the list of response templates. To delete the template, click Delete in the menu next to the rule.

Note: If the response template is currently being used by a workflow, you cannot delete it (the Delete action will not be available).