Creating investigation links

Investigation links are items that you can add to a workflow for investigation by your recipients. When a recipient receives a review task, including an investigation link can offer more context to them, thus allowing their response to you to also have greater context.

To create an investigation link, click Investigation links in the Workflows page and then click Create investigation link in the Investigation links page. Or, when you are choosing an investigation link, click Create investigation link.

Investigation links are saved to Guardium Data Security Center so that you can reuse them in different workflows.

You can create a link to a report or you can provide a custom link.
  • Select the link type: Guardium report or Provide custom link.
  • If you select Guardium report:
    • Select the Source report where filter values will be pulled from and any Linked report..
    • Select the Time range to use when the report opens.
    • Select either Recommended match or Custom match.

      For Recommended match, in the Select event field values section, you can select any column or columns that are common between the sourced and linked report.

      For Custom match, select the column in the source report that needs to be matched to the column in the destination report.

  • If you select Provide custom link, enter a display name for the link in the Enter a link display name field - and then enter the link in the Enter your custom link field.
  • Click Next.
  • Provide a Name for the link and, if desired, provide a description for it.
  • Click Create investigation link.

After adding an investigation link, you can edit it by selecting Edit next to it in the list of investigation links. To delete the link, click Delete in the menu next to the rule.

Note: If the investigation link is currently being used by a workflow, you cannot delete it (the Delete action will not be available).