When creating workflows, you can create distribution rules so that reviewers only see the
subset of the data that is relevant to them (for example, an audit for a report could be set up so
that a database administrator only sees report data for his or her particular
Before you begin
To create a distribution rule, click Distribution rules in the Workflows page and then click
Create rule in the Distribution rules page.
- Set the match condition for the rule:
- Choose the data point for the condition.
Note: If you create a schedule for a report that does not include the data point, the distribution
rule will not be available for selection when creating the schedule.
- Set the match value:
- Equal: Choose this if you want the rule to include the
exact data point value.
- Not equal: Choose this if you want the rule to exclude
the exact data point value.
- In group: Choose this if you want the rule to include the data point
value if it is in a particular group.
- Not in group: Choose this if you want the rule to include the data point
value if it is not in a particular group.
- If you choose a match value of Equal or Not
equal, enter the value to match in the Value field (if you
selected Database type as the data point, select the database type from the
- If you choose a match value of In group or Not in
group, select the group to match from the list.
- Select the recipient or recipients who will receive notifications. Select the users or
roles to include in the distribution rule (if you choose a role, all users assigned to that role
will be included). You can also type in the email addresses of users to include.
- Click Next.
- Enter a name for the distribution rule - or accept the generated name.
- Optional: Enter a description for the rule.
- Click Finish.
What to do next
After adding a distribution rule, you can view it by clicking its name - or you can edit it by
selecting Edit next to it in the list of distribution rules. To delete the
rule, click Delete in the menu next to the rule - or select the rule's
checkbox and then click Delete.