Working with variants

Variants enable you to use report data more easily through customization of report data, as required. Customization of report data allows for better joins to occur with custom data.

Variants can help you to consolidate report data and custom data and present the consolidated data in a more efficient manner for easy understanding.

You can view all the variants that are listed in the Variant administration page by opening the main menu icon and clicking Configurations > Variants. When you click a variant, you can see the following details about the variant in a tabular format. You can view the rules set for a variant if you click View variant rules. You can sort all the columns alphabetically and also filter rows by providing strings to match the values of the columns. You can see the following columns:

Variant value
The transformed or customized value of the report column data.
Original value
The original value of the report column data before transformation or customization.
The value of the column is either TRANSFORM or NONE. TRANSFORM signifies that the value of the report column data was transformed because a rule was applicable to the report column data. NONE signifies that the value of the report column data was not transformed. The non-transformation can happen because the rule was either not applicable to report column data or the application of the rule did not make any changes to the report column data.
The value of the column is either TRUE or FALSE. TRUE signifies that value of the variant was manually overridden. FALSE signifies that value of the variant was not manually overridden.
Last updated
The timestamp of the last update to the variant value.