Monitoring DNS to get the new CNAME record

About this task

Important: This procedure is only applicable if you created a Pseudo-Public DNS (PPDN) for Azure.

The installation program configures the cluster resources and starts the Control Plane layer that is available through the API. Dynamically assigned IP addresses in Azure cloud are referenced in your DNS zone through the CNAME record, which refers to a domain managed by Microsoft.

Because the zone is not reliable, you need to configure the bastion server to properly resolve api.<cluster_name>.<zone_name>. For example, or


  1. Monitor the DNS zone until a CNAME record appears in it.
    watch -n 5 az network dns record-set cname list -g "<dns_resource_group>" -z "<public_domain_name>"
    For example, on a new bastion server console, run the following command.
    watch -n 5 az network dns record-set cname list  -g gi300-dns  -z gi.priv.test
  2. View the output and gather the CNAME and FQDN from it.
    In the following example, the API CNAME is and the new FQDN is

  3. During deployment, you can also view that a new application is created in the user interface.
    In the following example, you can see the gi-301-8lx7f-identity for dns_resource_group=gi301.