Upgrading IBM Common Services

Prepare your environment and migrate from IBM Common Services to IBM Cloud Pak® foundational services.

About this task

Verify that Guardium® Data Security Center is reconciled to the previous version and upgrade IBM Cloud Pak foundational services.


  1. Log in to your environment.
    oc login -u <KUBE_USER> -p <KUBE_PASS> --server=<API_SERVER_URL> [--insecure-skip-tls-verify=true]
  2. Verify that Guardium Data Security Center is reconciled to the previous version by running the following command.
    oc get guardiuminsights

    The expected results are similar to the following message.

    gdsc-sample   Ready   True     Complete   Completed Reconciliation   <current_version>    <current_version>
  3. On the same namespace as Guardium Data Security Center, upgrade the ICS version (from IBM Cloud Pak foundational services version 4.5.x to version 4.6.6.
    Install the IBM Certificate Manager and IBM Common Services.
    1. Create a namespace ibm-cert-manager for the IBM Certificate Manager.
      oc create namespace ibm-cert-manager
    2. Set the environment variable for the --inventory parameter.
      export CERT_MANAGER_INVENTORY_SETUP=ibmCertManagerOperatorSetup
    3. Install the IBM Certificate Manager catalog.
      oc ibm-pak launch $CASE_NAME \
      --version $CASE_VERSION \
      --action install-catalog \
      --namespace openshift-marketplace \
      --args "--inputDir ${LOCAL_CASE_DIR}"
  4. Install IBM Common Services in the same namespace as your Guardium Data Security Center installation.

    Set the environment variable for --inventory parameter:

    export ICS_INVENTORY_SETUP=ibmCommonServiceOperatorSetup

    Install the IBM Common Services catalog:

    oc ibm-pak launch $CASE_NAME \
    --version $CASE_VERSION \
    --action install-catalog \
    --inventory $ICS_INVENTORY_SETUP \
    --namespace ${NAMESPACE} \
    --args "--registry icr.io --recursive \
    --inputDir ${LOCAL_CASE_DIR}" 
  5. Install IBM Common Services operators.
    • If you are installing a Guardium Data Security Center size of xsmall or small, set ICS_SIZE to small.
    • If you are installing a Guardium Data Security Center size of medium or higher, set ICS_SIZE to medium.
    export ICS_SIZE=small
    oc ibm-pak launch $CASE_NAME \
    --version $CASE_VERSION \
    --action install-operator \
    --inventory $ICS_INVENTORY_SETUP \
    --namespace $NAMESPACE \
    --args "--size ${ICS_SIZE} --registry cp.icr.io --user ${CP_REPO_USER} --pass ${CP_REPO_PASS} --secret ibm-entitlement-key --recursive --inputDir ${LOCAL_CASE_DIR}"
  6. Verify that all Common Services pods are in the Running or Completed state by using the following command.
    oc get pods | grep -v  ${NAMESPACE}

    The following example output displays the status of the Common Services pods.

    NAME                                                           READY   STATUS     RESTARTS AGE
    common-service-db-1                                            1/1     Running    0        28h
    common-web-ui-5b4fbc766b-gmtwx                                 1/1     Running    0        28h
    create-postgres-license-config-bhr4r                           0/1     Completed  0        28h
    db2u-day2-ops-controller-manager-7974fdfdfd-zjm6f              1/1     Running    0        28h
    db2u-operator-manager-846897498d-4j8vs                         1/1     Running    0        28h
    ibm-common-service-operator-f74c8dfc8-z7gmm                    1/1     Running    0        28h
    ibm-commonui-operator-b7fcf4964-qs7gm                          1/1     Running    0        28h
    ibm-events-operator-v5.0.1-d76959bbd-fgfxf                     1/1     Running    0        28h
    ibm-guardium-insights-operator-7f9dc78ffd-pxzg6                1/1     Running    0        28h
    ibm-iam-operator-585f4955bb-z95mz                              1/1     Running    0        28h
    ibm-redis-cp-operator-5588f94958-m2drk                         1/1     Running    0        28h
    ibm-zen-operator-6d5db55d97-bxbrz                              1/1     Running    0        28h
    meta-api-deploy-7fbb74b944-wj8rm                               1/1     Running    0        28h
    mongodb-kubernetes-operator-687fff6db-jfhk9                    1/1     Running    0        28h
    noobaa-core-0                                                  1/1     Running    0        28h
    noobaa-db-pg-0                                                 1/1     Running    0        28h
    noobaa-default-backing-store-noobaa-pod-921b9e1d               1/1     Running    3        (26h ago) 26h
    noobaa-default-backing-store-noobaa-pod-be22584e               1/1     Running    0        28h
    noobaa-endpoint-75f855f47d-cb24c                               1/1     Running    0        28h
    noobaa-endpoint-75f855f47d-pvv9p                               1/1     Running    0        26h
    noobaa-operator-868bcd4ddc-q6bsm                               1/1     Running    0        28h
    oidc-client-registration-455qc                                 0/1     Completed  0        28h
    operand-deployment-lifecycle-manager-7d9bf45754-bhrx7          1/1     Running    0        28h
    platform-auth-service-6744594b4-b4j2q                          1/1     Running    0        28h
    platform-identity-management-bbfb68769-8nwd8                   1/1     Running    0        28h
    platform-identity-provider-566f4685b5-cq6lt                    1/1     Running    0        28h
    postgresql-operator-controller-manager-1-18-12-f887dc998-fvz9h 1/1     Running    0        28h
    setup-job-v4lq9                                                0/1     Completed  0        28h

What to do next

Upgrade Guardium Data Security Center manually or by using the all-in-one script.