Retrieving login credentials for foundational services

About this task


  1. 1. Login to the cluster by using the following oc login command:
    oc login <openshift_url> -u <username> -p <password> -n <cp4s_namespace>
    For example:
    oc login -u kubeadmin -p orvnp-eAVwi-xTIoI-erIyn -n ibm-common-services

    Expected output:

    Login successful.
    You have access to 67 projects, the list has been suppressed. You can list all projects with ' projects'.
    Using project "ibm-common-services".
  2. Run the following command to retrieve the foundational services cluster URL.
    oc get routes cp-console -n ibm-common-services -o jsonpath='{}' | awk '{print $1}'
    For example:
    oc get routes cp-console -n ibm-common-services -o jsonpath='{}' | awk '{print $1}'

    Expected output:
  3. Run the following command to retrieve the foundational services cluster admin username.
    oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_username}' -n ibm-common-services | base64 -d | awk '{print $1}'
    For example:
    oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_username}' -n ibm-common-services | base64 -d | awk '{print $1}'

    Expected output:

  4. Run the following command to retrieve the foundational services cluster admin password.
    oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}' -n ibm-common-services | base64 -d | awk '{print $1}'
    For example:
    oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}' -n ibm-common-services | base64 -d | awk '{print $1}'

    Expected output:

  5. Login to the cluster by using cloudctl login commands.
    cloudctl login -a <cluster_url> -u <username> -p <password> -n <cp4s_namespace>
    For example:
    cloudctl login -a -u admin -p xxxicspasswordxxx
     -n ibm-common-services

    Expected output:

    Targeted account mycluster Account
    Targeted namespace ibm-common-services
    Configuring kubectl ...
    Property "clusters.mycluster" unset.
    Property "users.mycluster-user" unset.
    Cluster "mycluster" set.
    User "mycluster-user" set.
    Context "mycluster-context" created.
    Switched to context "mycluster-context".
    Configuring helm: /home/<user>/.helm