Platform-level mustgather

This topic describes platform-level troubleshooting of your cluster with mustgather logging and environment data.

Before you begin

You must have Cluster Administrative (cluster-admin) privileges to be able to exercise the mustgather feature. The feature makes use of ibm-healthcheck-operator, which is included as part of your Guardium® Data Security Center installation.

This topic describes platform-level mustgather from the Cloud Pak Administration Hub user interface. If you would prefer to exercise platform-level mustgather by command line, follow the steps in The command line mustgather employs the same cpctl utility that is used by Guardium Data Security Center mustgather.


  1. Log in to your Cloud Pak Administration Hub as a Cluster Administrative user and, from the main navigation menu, click Home to open the Administration Hub..
  2. From either the Welcome widget or the Diagnostics summary card, click Gather diagnostics. A side-panel opens where you can configure the diagnostics to gather and run the report generation.
  3. Select the diagnostics that you would like to gather. You can select more than one data module.
  4. If you selected to gather Cloud Pak data, provide a namespace or namespaces from which you want to collect data.
  5. Click Gather diagnostics. Collecting support information can take from a few to 30 minutes.
  6. Within the System overview section of the main work area, view the Diagnostics summary card, the status on the card is Report generating in progress. After the gathering process completes the report can be downloaded.
  7. To download the package with results, click the download link next to the package name on the summary card.


Download and open the must-gather-* archive file and use its logs to assist with troubleshooting.