Certificate tab

Enter information to allow the External S-TAP to manage certificates and certificate signing requests (CSRs).

If you select Use CSR to generate certificate, then External S-TAP can automatically generate certificates as needed.

Table 1. Certificate tab parameters
Parameter Default Meaning
Certificate storage secret estap-secret The Kubernetes secret that contains the token that is used to deploy the External S-TAP.
Service account token secret   The name of the token secret in the namespace where you deploy the External S-TAP.
Collector certificate token Required for SSL-encrypted traffic. The token, or secret, from the certificate alias.
Use CSR to generate certificate Select to have the CSR generate on demand External S-TAP certificates.
Common Name   Required. The common name for the CSR.
Country/Region   The country or region for the CSR.
State/Province   The state or region for the CSR.
City/Locality   The city or locality for the CSR.
Organization   The organization or business name for the CSR.
Key Length 2048 Select the key length for the CSR key.