Windows: Configuring S-TAP with guard_config_update

You can use the guard_config_update script to update your S-TAP configuration (without using the GUI).

About this task

Note: Parameter names are not case-sensitive.


  1. From an administrative command prompt, browse to Windows S-TAP > Bin.
  2. Run guard_config_update with the parameters that you need to set for your environment.
    Parameter Description
    --help (or -h) List all of the guard_config_update parameters.
    --list-ie List the names of all inspection engines, such as Db2 or MSSQL, on this machine.
    --list-sqlguard List the SQLGUARD address for this machine. For example:
    --list-all-tap-parameters List the parameters that are in the Tap section. For information about individual parameters, see either Editing the protocol 7 and protocol 8 S-TAP configuration parameters or Editing the protocol 8 S-TAP configuration parameters depending on which protocol your site uses.
    Note: The output includes some hidden parameters.
    --list-sections sectionName List the section name and associated values in the specified sectionName, for example:
    guard_config_update.exe --list-sections sqlguard
    --list-services Lists all S-TAP related services and their associated statuses.
    --set-tap-parameter parmName1=parmValue1;parmName2=parmValue2... Change one or more Tap parameters, where:
    • parmName = The name of the parameter to change.
    • parmValue = The new value for the parameter.
    For example:
    guard_config_update.exe --set-tap-parameter upload_feature=1;TENANT_ID=stuff10;ALL_CAN_CONTROL=1
    Updated Tap section upload_feature=1
    Updated Tap section TENANT_ID=stuff10
    Updated Tap section ALL_CAN_CONTROL=1
    --set-tap-parameter-force parmName1=parmValue1;parmName2=parmValue2... Change the specified parameter values for parameters that you cannot change in GIM.
    --set-service serviceName1=action1;serviceName2=action2... Configure one or more S-TAP related services on the database server to perform a specified action, where action can be one of the following:
    • Service status:
      • start
      • stop
      • restart
    • Windows settings Startup type:
      • enable - Set to Automatic.
      • disable - Set to Disabled.
    --set-sqlguard-ip ip/hostname Change the address or hostname of the primary SQLGUARD appliance.
    Note: You can change only the primary SQLGUARD IP address.
    --set-sqlguard section1,parmName1=parmValue1;section2,;parmName2=parmValue2... Modify the values for one or more SQLGUARD sections.
    --set-ie section1,key1=value1;key2=value2.. Modify inspection engine values.
    --add-sqlguard sectionName1;sectionName2.. Add an appliance (SQLGUARD) to the guard-tap.ini.
    --add-ie sectionName1,key1=value1;key2=value2 Modify inspection engines values. To see the value in an inspection engine, use the --list-sections parameter. For example:
    C:\Program Files\IBM\Windows S-TAP\Bin>guard_config_update.exe --list-ie
    . . .
    C:\Program Files\IBM\Windows S-TAP\Bin>guard_config_update.exe --list-sections DB21
    --remove-ie sectionName1,sectionName2 Remove inspection engines by section name.
    --remove-sqlguard sectionName1;sectionName2.. Remove sections by the SQLGUARD section name.
  3. When you are done, restart the GUARDIUM_STAP service, for example:
    --set-service GUARDIUM_STAP=restart