Linux-UNIX: Requesting a K-TAP module

Perform this procedure before upgrading your Linux operation system to determine if there is a matching K-TAP module for the new kernel level, and if not to request the K-TAP module from Technical Support.


  1. Access Fix Central and select the product and version per your need, and click Continue.
  2. Enter ktap in the text field, and click Continue.
    The K-TAP Bundle results appear.
  3. Select fix pack: KTAP_List_of_Modules_v10 , and click Continue.
  4. Follow the instructions to acquire the file. For example, to download using HTTPS:
  5. Save the zip file, and open it to verify if your OS kernel is supported by the latest K-TAP module release related to your version.
  6. If your kernel is not listed is not listed in the K-TAP list, open a Support Case:

    For each database server system you need the KTAP module for, you must provide these details:

    • Kernel version (output of uname -a)
    • Operating System version (output of cat /etc/redhat-release or, depending on the release ls /etc/*release* and then cat the output, or cat /etc/issue)
    • CPU Info (output of cat /proc/cpuinfo)
    • Database type and version
    • Which version of S-TAP the K-TAP module needs to be compiled for

    It typically takes up to 14 days to fulfill a new K-TAP module request. Guardium informs the customer when the new K-TAP module is available, ready to download.