Session Inference

Session Inference checks for open sessions that have not been active for a specified period of time, and marks them as closed.

To configure the Session Inference options:

  1. Click Setup > Session Inference to open Session Inference.
  2. Mark the Active On Startup box to start Session Inference on startup of the Guardium® system.
  3. In the Polling Interval box, enter the frequency (in minutes) with which Session Inference checks for open sessions. The default is 120 (minutes).
  4. In the Max Inactive Period box, enter the number of minutes of inactivity after which a session is marked closed. The default is 720 (minutes).
  5. Click Applyto store the values in the configuration database. Session Inference will not begin using a new configuration until it is restarted.
  6. Click Restart to restart Session Inference with the new configuration.

To stop Session Inference, open the Session Inference panel and click Stop.