Session Inference
Session Inference checks for open sessions that have not been active for a specified period of time, and marks them as closed.
To configure the Session Inference options:
- Click Session Inference. to open
- Mark the Active On Startup box to start Session Inference on startup of the Guardium® system.
- In the Polling Interval box, enter the frequency (in minutes) with which Session Inference checks for open sessions. The default is 120 (minutes).
- In the Max Inactive Period box, enter the number of minutes of inactivity after which a session is marked closed. The default is 720 (minutes).
- Click Applyto store the values in the configuration database. Session Inference will not begin using a new configuration until it is restarted.
- Click Restart to restart Session Inference with the new configuration.
To stop Session Inference, open the Session Inference panel and click Stop.