
Use this command to update the filtering settings on IBM i.

This API is available in Guardium V9.5 and later.

REST API syntax

This API is available as a REST service with the PUT method. Call this API as follows:
PUT https://[Guardium hostname or IP address]:8443/restAPI/istap_config

GuardAPI syntax

update_istap_config parameter=value


Parameter Value type Description
check_server_hb Boolean Network connection check. Valid values:
  • 0 (false). Do not use failover.
  • 1 (true): Use failover.
connection_timeout_sec String Number of seconds after which theS-TAP® considers a Guardium® server to be unavailable. It can have any integer value.
datasourceName String Required. IP or name of the IBM i server.
filter_audit_entry_types String The specified QAUDJRN audit entry filter, if any. Specifies which audit journal entry types should be processed. The default is 'AD AF CA CO DO GD OM OR OW PG PW RA RO RZ SV ZC ZR'
filter_client_acct String The specified client accounting filter, if any. Only one client accounting filter can be specified.
filter_client_appl String The specified client application filter, if any. Only one client application filter can be specified.
filter_client_prog String The specified client program filter, if any. Only one client program filter can be specified.
filter_client_user String The specified client user filter, if any. Only one client user filter can be specified.
filter_client_wkstn String The specified client workstation filter, if any. Only one client workstation filter can be specified.
filter_job String The specified job filter, if any. Only one job name or generic job name can be specified.
filter_port String The specified port filter, if any. Only one port filter can be specified. Filtering by port is only supported in release 7.1 and later.
filter_rdb String The specified relational database filter, if any. Up to 10 relational database names can be specified. Filter_RDB is a case sensitive filter. Execute this command on your target database and enter the name exactly as it is returned.
filter_system_sql String The specified system SQL statement filter. Specifies whether system SQL statements should be audited (Y or N). The default is Y.
filter_table String The specified table filter, if any. Up to ten file names or generic file names can be specified. The specified library name must be the system schema name (10 character name). The file name can be either the system table name or table name (long or short name).
filter_tcpip String The specified TCP/IP filter, if any. Only one TCP/IP address can be specified.
filter_user String The specified user or group user profile filter, if any. Up to 10 usernames or generic usernames can be used.
Important: If you want to set the filter_user parameter value to null, then enter null in lowercase. If you enter NULL in uppercase, the system apply DBUser=NULL filter.
guardium_host String IP address or hostname of the Guardium system that acts as the host for the S-TAP.
prevent_skipped_entries String Directs the SQL auditing to handle the case where the audit server job is overwhelmed with detail. Valid values:
  • N
  • Y: The audit server is given preference over the performance of the work stream.
Default = N
remote_messages String Send messages to the active Guardium host. Valid values:
  • 0: Do not send messages
  • 1: Send messages to the active Guardium system.
start_monitor Boolean Valid values:
  • 0 (false)
  • 1 (true): The auditing process starts (or restarts) on the i server after the configuration table is updated. When the auditing process is started, stored procedures on DB2 for i are invoked that:
    • Create the message queue that will be used to send entries to the InfoSphere Guardium collector and starts a global database monitor using a view with an INSTEAD OF trigger (which sends the entries to the message queue)
    • Start PASE and S-TAP.
    • Receive journal entries from QAUDJRN and add them to the message queue.

Default = 1 (true)

start_user String  


To start monitoring in the server named db21nn:

grdapi datasourceName=db21nn update_istap_config start_monitor=1