This procedure describes how to configure Guardium®
systems for processing and displaying unit utilization data.
About this task
For a centrally managed environment, populatng the unit utilization information requires
scheduling two processes on the central manager: uploading data to the central manager for the
buffer usage monitor; and processing the unit utilization data.
For a stand-alone system, you just need to schedule the processing of unit utilization data.
For a centrally managed environment, define a schedule on the central manager for uploading the
central manager buffer usage monitor data.
Go to .
From the Custom Tables screen, select CM Buffer Usage
Monitor and click Upload Data to continue.
From the Upload Data screen, click Modify Schedule
to define a schedule for uploading the central manager buffer usage monitor data. Click
Save after defining a schedule, then click Back to
return to the Upload Data screen.
Scheduling the process to run once every hour is a reasonable starting point for many
deployments, but you may want to adjust the interval around your available resources or
data-currency needs.
Important: To ensure that the most recent data is available for unit
utilization reports, define a schedule that processes the buffer usage monitor data before
processing the unit utilization data. Additionally, the buffer usage monitor data should not be
scheduled to run exactly on the hour.
Best practice: Define
schedules that process the buffer usage monitor data at 10-minutes after the hour and unit
utilization data at 40-minutes after the hour.
From the Upload Data screen, optionally click Run Once
Now to immediately upload the data.
For a centrally managed environment or for a standalone system, define a schedule for
processing unit utilization data.
In a centrally managed environment, you only need to define the unit utilization schedule on
the central manager.
Go to .
Click Modify Schedule to define a schedule for processing unit
utilization data. Click Save after defining a schedule, then click
Back to return to the Unit Utilization Levels
Scheduling the process to run once every hour is a reasonable starting point for many
deployments, but you may want to adjust the interval around your available resources or
data-currency needs.
Important: To ensure that the most recent data is available for unit
utilization reports, define a schedule that processes the unit utilization data after processing the
buffer usage monitor data.
Best practice: Define schedules that
process the buffer usage monitor data at 10-minutes after the hour and unit utilization data at
40-minutes after the hour.
From the Unit Utilization Levels page, optionally click Run
Once Now to immediately process the data.
Go to to view unit utilization reports. In a centrally managed environment, the data covers
the central manager and its managed units. For a standalone system, data is for that individual
system. If you did not use the Run Once Now option when defining the
schedules, you must wait until those processes run before the unit utilization reports update with
the latest data.