Enabling the External S-TAP provisioning UI

After all of the prerequisites are met, a project administrator can enable provisioning UI for the External S-TAP container.

Before you begin

Ensure that the cluster meets the minimum requirements for installing External S-TAP. For details, see External S-TAP requirements. Specifically, verify that a cluster administrator completed the following tasks:
  1. The project where you plan to install External S-TAP exists.
  2. You have completed the tasks in Deploying External S-TAP with an operator.
If these tasks are not complete, the External S-TAP deployment will fail.

About this task

You must be an administrator of the OpenShift® project (Kubernetes namespace) where you will deploy External S-TAP.
External S-TAP uses the following storage classes. If you don't use these storage classes on your cluster, ensure that you have a storage class with an equivalent definition:
  • OpenShift Container Storage: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
  • NFS: managed-nfs-storage
  • Portworx: portworx-shared-gp3


  1. Log in to Red Hat ® OpenShift Container Platform as a user with sufficient permissions to complete the task:
    oc login OpenShift_URL:port 
  2. Create the EstapServiceCPDAddOn custom resource to install External S-TAP. Follow the appropriate guidance for your environment.
    cat | oc apply -f - << EOF
    apiVersion: estap.ibm.com/v1
    kind: EstapServiceCPDAddOn
        app.kubernetes.io/instance: ibm-estap
        app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: ibm-estap
        app.kubernetes.io/name: ibm-estap
      name: enable-ui
      namespace: $CPD_NAMESPACE
      cloudpakfordata: true
      description: External S-TAP CPD AddOn
        docker_registry_prefix: icr.io/guardium-insights
        accept: true
      version: $CASE_VERSION
  3. Run the following command to verify that the status of the EstapServiceCPDAddOn custom resource is Completed:
    oc get -n $CPD_NAMESPACE EstapServiceCPDAddOn/enable-ui -o jsonpath='{.status.estapStatus}{"\n"}'

    If it returns InProgress, wait until the system returns Completed.

What to do next

After you create the custom resource, you can provision the External S-TAP, as described in Provisioning an instance of External S-TAP.