Creating operator subscriptions

An operator subscription tells the cluster where to install a given operator and gives information about the operator to Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

Before you begin

Note: You can run the commands in this task exactly as written if you set up environment variables for your installation. Run the environment variable script before you run the commands in this task.

Creating an operator subscription for External S-TAP

First, use the following commands to install the operator subscription:
pushd $WORKDIR; oc ibm-pak launch $CASE_NAME 
--version $CASE_VERSION --action install-operator --inventory ibmEstapSetup --namespace 
$CPD_NAMESPACE --args "--inputDir $WORKDIR/.ibm-pak/data/cases/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION"; popd
Then, take the following steps to verify that the operator is created:
  1. Verify that the CSV for your CASE version is installed. For example:
    oc get sub -n $CPD_NAMESPACE ibm-estap-catalog-subscription -o jsonpath='{.status.installedCSV} {"\n"}'
    Note: Make sure that you check the correct CASE version. For more information about finding the correct CASE version, see Before you begin.
  2. Verify that the CSV install strategy completed with no errors:
    oc get csv -n $CPD_NAMESPACE $CASE_NAME.v$CASE_VERSION -o jsonpath='{ .status.phase } : { .status.message} {"\n"}'
  3. Verify that the deployment is ready by ensuring that one or more replicas are available:
    oc get deployments -n $CPD_NAMESPACE -l olm.owner="$CASE_NAME.v$CASE_VERSION" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.availableReplicas} {'\n'}"
Important: If you create the Guardium External S-TAP operator with the manual install plan (installPlanApproval: Manual), a cluster administrator must approve the update request for ibm-estap-operator.

After you create and test the operator subscriptions, you can deploy the External S-TAP container as described in Enabling the External S-TAP provisioning UI.