
See an overview of compliance and application data monitoring wizard actions and actions that you must take to complete the configuration. The summary is based on your progress through the wizard and configuration you may have completed elsewhere in Guardium.


  1. From the Summary section, review actions listed under Clicking Run setup takes the following actions.
    In particular, note the following:
    • Install compliance monitoring policy: click the View details link to view the policy and its rules.
    • Schedule policy re-installation: click the Edit link to view and edit the policy installation schedule. Regularly reinstalling policies is important if your groups are likely to change, for example when updating users or sensitive objects.
  2. Review actions listed under You must complete the following actions.
    These actions are required to ensure effective comnpliance monitoring of your databases. In particular, note the following:
    • Populate groups: click the View details link to review and add members to groups. To add members, click the edit group icon next to the group to open the Edit group dialog. For more information, see Using the group builder.
    • Install monitoring agents (S-TAPs) for databases: click the Install monitoring agents link to open the Smart assistant for deloying monitoring agents and begin installing S-TAPs on your database servers. For more information, see Deploy monitoring agents.
      Attention: Monitoring agents are not required to complete the compliance and application data monitoring configuration, but they are required to allow monitoring data. Guardium will automatically begin monitoring data once the agents are installed.
  3. Click Run setup to take the actions described in the Summary section.