Linux-UNIX: Managing a GIM-, RPM-, and shell-installed S-TAP during a database upgrade
Only the A-TAP needs handling when you upgrade a database with a GIM, RPM, or shell-installed UNIX S-TAP. If a system is running multiple databases, the S-TAP can continue to run and monitor all other databases not being upgraded.
- De-instrument, and de-activate the A-TAP, by using the guardctl utility.
- Upgrade your database.
- Instrument, activate, and restart the A-TAP, by using the guardctl utility.
- If the system uses exit libraries, make sure that the exit library is in the appropriate place (for example if the DB location directory changed).
- Verify that the inspection engine is correct, because paths may have
changed. When the DBA upgrades the database with a different installation path than the previous version, traffic is not captured unless you update with the correct installation path and restart the S-TAP. If the installation path is not updated, the database might not be monitored. Look in the S-TAP Events report for a message: DB instance stops running, please make sure DB under db_install_dir is still available, and restart the relevant S-TAP. If found, update db_install_dir in the guard_tap.ini or DB Install Dir in the S-TAP control page.
- Check that the inspection engine for the database is correct (for example, the version number).
- If you modified the inspection engine configuration, including the DB installation path, restart the S-TAP.