Linux-UNIX: Upgrading A-TAP in Zones and WPARs environment
For Solaris Zone:
- On the master/global-zone, remove the previously installed K-TAP
zoneadm -z <zonename> halt zonecfg -z <zonename> <zonename>> info
- If a K-TAP device is found, remove it.
/<zonename> remove device match=/dev/ktap_xxxx (for Solaris 10)
/<zonename> remove device match=/dev/guard_ktap (for Solaris 11)<zonename>> verify <zonename>> exit zoneadm -z <zonename> boot
- For Solaris sub-zones, remove the previous K-TAP device file and link from sub-zone device
directory. Go to the sub-zone device directory, for example
cd /export/home2/zones/iris3/dev rm -f ktap_xxxx guard_ktap
- On the master/global-zone, remove the previously installed K-TAP
For Solaris Zone:
- On the master/global-zone, add the new K-TAP device to the zone
zoneadm -z <zonename> halt zonecfg -z <zonename> <zonename>> add device
<zonename>device> set match=/dev/ktap_xxxx (for Solaris 10)
<zonename>device> set match=/dev/ktap_xxxx (for Solaris 11)
<zonename>device> end <zonename>> verify <zonename>> exit zoneadm -z <zonename> boot
- Add the guard_ktap link and change permission. Go to the sub-zone device directory, for example:
sub-zone device
cd /export/home2/zones/iris3/dev ln -fs ktap_xxxx guard_ktap chmod 0666 ktap_xxxx chmod 0666 guard_ktap
- Since there are multiple ktap devices, repeat steps for each K-TAP device by using the name ktap_xxxx_x(solaris 10) or guard_ktap_x (solaris 11)
- On the master/global-zone, add the new K-TAP device to the zone
For AIX WPARs: on WPARs, change permission on K-TAP devices. Go to the WPARs device directory,
for example: wpars device directory=/wpars/odin3/dev
ln -fs ktap_xxxx guard_ktap chmod 0666 ktap_xxxx chmod 0666 guard_ktap