FAM domain
This domain describes file entitlement (privileges) reports. This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.
Available to roles: admin, fam.
FAM File Entity
Attribute | Description |
Classification | Classification from the FAM classification. |
Content Type | Content Type |
Creation Time | Creation Time |
Delete Groups | Groups that have delete permission on the file. |
Delete Users | Users that have delete permission on the file. |
Effective End Time | |
Execute Groups | Groups that have execute permission on the file. |
Execute Users | Users that have execute permission on the file. |
File Full Name | File Full Name |
File ID | A unique field added by the sniffer. |
File Id | Created by the FAM crawler. This is a non-unique combination of server IP and file path. It's used to identify a specific file and to update its details. |
File Name | File Name |
File Server | File Server |
Is Removed | File was deleted from server. True/false. |
Is Symbolic | File is symbolic link. True/false |
Modification Time | Modification Time |
Operating System | Operating System |
Owner | Owner |
Parent Directory Id | Parent Directory Id |
Parent Directory Path | Parent Directory Path |
Read Groups | Groups that have read permission on the file. |
Read Users | Users that have read permission on the file. |
Scan Id | Unique ID of the scan |
Scan Time | When the file was scanned |
Size | Size |
Source Directory Id | Source directory unique Id |
Source Directory Path | Source directory unique path |
Timestamp | Time the file was recorded in Guardium. |
Write Groups | Groups that have write permission on the file. |
Write Users | Users that have write permission on the file. |
hostName | File server where file is located. |
sg Id Groups | |
sg Id Users | |
su Id Groups | |
su Id Users |
FAM Classification Entity
Attribute | Description |
Category | Decision plan name |
Classification ID | Unique classification ID |
Entities | Type of sensitive data. |
File Id | |
Scan Id | |
Timestamp | Time the file was discovered and recorded in Guardium. |