BigData Intelligence STAP Status domain
Reports on status of S-TAPs. This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.
Available to roles: all.
This domain is available in Guardium systems that have a defined datasource of type GBDI.
BigData Intelligence STAP Status Entity
Attribute | Description |
App Server | Whether or not an App server is installed. Yes / No. |
CAS Server Name | Name of the CAS server. |
DB Port max | Ending port number of the range of listening ports for the database. |
DB Port min | Starting port number of the range of listening ports for the database. |
DB Server Type | Protocol of the DB server. |
DB Tee Real DB Port | The port to which S-TAP forwards traffic when using Tee. |
Encrypted? | Whether or not communication from S-TAP is encrypted. Unencrypted / encryption type. |
Guardium Appliance | Name of the collector that reported this data. |
Guardium Hosts | IP addresses or hostnames of the Guardium systems that act as the host/s for the S-TAP. |
Hunter DBS | Deprecated |
I Name | |
KTAP | Whether or not K-TAP in installed on the S-TAP. Yes / No. |
KTAP Version | Version of the installed K-TAP. |
Last Response Received | Last status response received from the S-TAP. For example synchronizing, active. |
Last Response Time | Time of the last status response. |
LHMON | Deprecated in v10.5. Whether or not LHMON driver is installed. |
MSS Shm | Shared Memory Driver Installed. Yes / No. |
Pipes | Whether or not a named pipes driver is installed on the S-TAP. Yes / No. |
Policy | |
Primary Host Name | Name of the Guardium appliance to which the S-TAP sends data. |
STAP Changed | |
S-TAP Host | IP address or hostname for the database server system on which S-TAP is installed |
STAP Verification Status | Verification not run / Verification run |
S-TAP Version | Version of the S-TAP software |
Status | S-TAP status. One of:Active, Inactive, Synchronizing. |
Tap Identifier | Unique inspection engine identifier. |
TAP IP | IP address for the database server system on which S-TAP is installed. |
TAP Type | The type of installed S-TAP agent: stap=UNIX wstap = Windowsztap=Z/OS |
TEE | Deprecated. Whether or not Tee is enabled. Yes / No. |
Time Differential | |
Timestamp | |
Total Bytes Dropped So Far | Total Bytes Dropped So Far |
Total Bytes Ignored | Total Bytes Ignored |
Total Bytes So Far | Total Bytes So Far |
Total Response Bytes Ignored | Total Response Bytes Ignored |
Use TLS | Encrypted with TLS. Yes / No. |
UTC Offset | The difference in time between UTC time and time of the collector that reported that data. |