BigData Intelligence STAP Status domain

Reports on status of S-TAPs. This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.

Available to roles: all.

This domain is available in Guardium systems that have a defined datasource of type GBDI.

BigData Intelligence STAP Status Entity

Attribute Description
App Server Whether or not an App server is installed. Yes / No.
CAS Server Name Name of the CAS server.
DB Port max Ending port number of the range of listening ports for the database.
DB Port min Starting port number of the range of listening ports for the database.
DB Server Type Protocol of the DB server.
DB Tee Real DB Port The port to which S-TAP forwards traffic when using Tee.
Encrypted? Whether or not communication from S-TAP is encrypted. Unencrypted / encryption type.
Guardium Appliance Name of the collector that reported this data.
Guardium Hosts IP addresses or hostnames of the Guardium systems that act as the host/s for the S-TAP.
Hunter DBS Deprecated
I Name  
KTAP Whether or not K-TAP in installed on the S-TAP. Yes / No.
KTAP Version Version of the installed K-TAP.
Last Response Received Last status response received from the S-TAP. For example synchronizing, active.
Last Response Time Time of the last status response.
LHMON Deprecated in v10.5. Whether or not LHMON driver is installed.
MSS Shm Shared Memory Driver Installed. Yes / No.
Pipes Whether or not a named pipes driver is installed on the S-TAP. Yes / No.
Primary Host Name Name of the Guardium appliance to which the S-TAP sends data.
STAP Changed  
S-TAP Host IP address or hostname for the database server system on which S-TAP is installed
STAP Verification Status Verification not run / Verification run
S-TAP Version Version of the S-TAP software
Status S-TAP status. One of:Active, Inactive, Synchronizing.
Tap Identifier Unique inspection engine identifier.
TAP IP IP address for the database server system on which S-TAP is installed.
TAP Type The type of installed S-TAP agent:


wstap = Windows


TEE Deprecated. Whether or not Tee is enabled. Yes / No.
Time Differential  
Total Bytes Dropped So Far Total Bytes Dropped So Far
Total Bytes Ignored Total Bytes Ignored
Total Bytes So Far Total Bytes So Far
Total Response Bytes Ignored Total Response Bytes Ignored
Use TLS Encrypted with TLS. Yes / No.
UTC Offset The difference in time between UTC time and time of the collector that reported that data.