Where to search

Identify datasources to scan for sensitive data.

About this task

Datasources store information about your database or repository such as the type of database, the location of the repository, or authentication credentials that may be associated with it. Adding datasources to a discovery scenario creates a classification process where classification policies are applied to the selected datasources.

In this task, identify the datasources you would like to search for sensitive data.


  1. Open the Where to search section to identify the datasources you would like to search for sensitive data.
  2. Add datasources to your discovery scenario by doing one of the following:
    • Click the create datasource icon to open the Create Datasource dialog and add a new datasource definition.
    • Select datasources from the Available Datasources table and click the move right icon to add existing datasources. Note that the list of datasource is filtered by the datasource type defined for the scenario. For example, scenarios using the Relational (SQL) datasource type only list relational-type datasources.
    • Select a group from the Available datasource groups table and click the move right icon to add a group of datasources. For groups containing multiple types of datasources, only datasources matching the datasource type defined for the scenario are used. For example, scenarios using the Document type datasource only use Document type datasources and ignore any Relational type datasources that exist in the group.
  3. Define a new datasource, or edit an existing datasource by selecting the datasource and clicking the edit datasource icon.
    New datasources defined through the discovery scenario can also be viewed or edited through the Datasource Definitions tool.
    1. Provide or edit the name of the datasource.
    2. Select the appropriate database type from the Database type menu and provide the requested information to complete the datasource definition.
      The available fields differ depending on the selected database type. Note that the list of database types is filtered by the datasource type defined for the scenario. For example, scenarios using the Relational (SQL) datasource type only list relational-type databases.
    3. When you are finished editing the datasource definition, click Save to save your work and optionally click Test Connection to verify the datasource connection.
    4. When you are finished working with the datasource definition, click Close to close the dialog.
  4. If you are using this classification process for cloud databases also, select Enable object auditing for Cloud DBs.


A classification process is created after adding datasources to your discovery scenario and saving the scenario. To view or edit this process directly, use the Classification Process Builder.

What to do next

Continue to the next section of the discovery workflow, Run discovery.