Exporting (files) results

CSV, CEF, and PDF files can be created by workflow processes. This function exports all such files that are on the Guardium system to the target system you specify.

About this task

Export data file names have the format: <daysequence>-<hostname.domain>-w<run> datestamp>-d<data_date>.dbdump/TAR

CEF and CSV files that are created by workflow processes can also be written to syslog. When that happens, those files are not available to be exported by the method described here. Access those files in the syslog or by other means.


  1. Go to Manage > Data Management > Results Export (files)
  2. Select the protocol, one of: SCP or SFTP (Formerly FTP).
  3. Enter the parameters:
    • Host - The IP address or DNS hostname of the host to receive the files.
    • Directory - The target directory on the target destination server. The format depends on the protocol you selected.
      • For SCP - Specify the directory as an absolute path.
      • For SFTP - Specify the directory relative to the SFTP account home directory.
    • Port - Port on the target destination server. The default port for SSH, FTP, and SFTP is 22.
    • User Name - Username for the target destination server. This user must have write or execute permissions for the specified directory.
    • Password - Password for Username on the target destination host.
  4. Click Save to save the configuration. The system attempts to verify the configuration by sending a test data file to that location. If the operation fails, it displays an error message. If the test file is transmitted successfully, the Scheduling section becomes active.
  5. Optional: Use Scheduling to define a schedule for running this operation regularly.
  6. Optional: To export the files now, click Run Once Now.

What to do next

  • Verify that the operation completed successfully. Go to Manage > Reports > Data Management > Aggregation/Archive Log. Check that the status of each export activity is Succeeded.