Windows: Auto discovery of database instances during installation and upgrade
When you install an S-TAP®, it can auto-discover database instances and create inspection engines for the discovered instances.
By default, auto discovery runs once during S-TAP installation. It discovers the database instances, populates inspection engines according to its discovery, and updates the S-TAP configuration file guard_tap.ini. When the installation is complete, auto discovery is disabled to prevent the S-TAP from overwriting user-modified inspection engine configurations. The Guardium® Discovery Agent is installed with the S-TAP package on a database server.
Auto discovery is controlled by the guard_tap.ini parameter AUTO_DISCOVERY. For more information, see Protocol 7 Discovery parameters or Protocol 8 Discovery parameters.
All Windows S-TAP database types are supported for auto-discovery.
- software_tap_host: IP address or hostname of the database server on which the S-TAP is installed.
- sqlguard_ip: S-TAP discovery results are sent to this IP. (The Guardium system with primary=1 in the SQLguard parameters.)
Instance discovery is configured and run independently of auto discovery. For more information, see Windows: Discover database instances.