Kubernetes tab

Enter information required to run External S-TAP from Kubernetes.

Table 1. Kubernetes tab parameters
Parameter Default Meaning
Cloud provider   To install a cloud-based External S-TAP with Amazon (AWS), IBM (IBM Cloud), or Microsoft (Azure), select a cloud provider. To use an External S-TAP with an on-premises database, leave Cloud provider blank.

For more information about deploying to IBM Cloud, see Step deploy_kubernetes.html#deploy_extap_kubernetes__ibm_cloud_deploy of Deploying External S-TAP from the Guardium UI.

Use internal load balancer Not selected If selected, adds an annotation to the service to set an internal load balancer for the selected cloud provider.
Kubernetes control plane URL Required. Established when you provision the Kubernetes cluster.
Note: If the Kubernetes control plane URL does not point to a cloud provider, you need to ensure that a load-balancing solution is available.
Authentication token Required. The Kubernetes cluster access token.
Deployment name Required. A user-defined name. The name can contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters and a dash (-). The name must start and end with an alphanumeric character (for example ‘my-name’, or ‘philly-58’).
Namespace default Required. Kubernetes provides a default namespace. Specify default unless you created a namespace for your Kubernetes cluster. For OpenShift, namespace is the same as the project name.