Linux-UNIX: S-TAP GIM installation parameters

Understand the parameters (each with a short description) that are typically used in your GIM S-TAP agent installation.

Most parameters are also listed in Linux-UNIX: Editing the S-TAP configuration parameters.
Do not modify advanced parameters unless you are an expert user or IBM Technical Support advised to make the changes.
Table 1. General Parameters
GIM parameter Description
STAP_TAP_IP The IP address or FQDN of the database server or node on which the S-TAP is being installed (equivalent to the -taphost command line parameter). If not specified, the GIM_CLIENT_IP value is used.
STAP_SQLGUARD_IP The IP address or FQDN of the primary collector with which this S-TAPcommunicates (equivalent to the -appliance command line parameter). If not specified, then, the GIM_URL value is used.
STAP_ADDITIONAL_SQLGUARD_IPS List of space-delimited additional SQLGUARD IP addresses.
STAP_ENABLED Enables S-TAP when installation is complete. Default=1 (yes)
STAP_FAM_ENABLED Enables FAM monitoring. Disabled by default. During upgrade, if the CLI parameter FAM was enabled in v10.1.4 or a prior version, then this parameter is enabled upon upgrade.
STAP_UPLOAD_FEATURE Whether or not the S-TAP uploads snapshots and new K-TAP modules to the GIM server to which it reports. Valid values:
  • 0: Disabled
  • 1: Enabled for all (snapshots and K-TAP modules)
  • 2: Enabled for snapshot; disable for K-TAP modules
KTAP_ENABLED Enables the K-TAP module. Default=1 (yes)
KTAP_ALLOW_MODULE_COMBOS Controls the FlexLoad mechanism: If the bundle does not have an exact kernel match, it installs the best match. If the K-TAP cannot be installed or does not start, a query is presented to the user whether to continue installation. Default=N
KTAP_LIVE_UPDATE Enables the K-TAP update without requiring a server reboot. Default=Y
GIM_ALLOW_CUSTOMED_BUNDLES Control uploading of custom K-TAP bundle.
  • 0: Custom bundles are not allowed.
  • 1: Allows installation of custom compiled K-TAP bundles.
Default = 0
This parameter cannot be changed from the GUI or API. Only the OS Admin can change the value from 0 to 1 after GIM is installed. This parameter must be enabled on each DB server individually.
KTAP_PREVENT_EXACT_MATCH_BUILD When enabled, K-TAP local builds are disabled. It is not recommended to enable this parameter since it decreases the possibility of finding a matching module for the running kernel.
KTAP_AIX_LOG_ROTATE_FILE_SIZE This parameter, together with KTAP_AIX_LOG_ROTATE_NFILES, configure the ktap.log rotation on AIX servers. When the file size reaches this threshold, in KB, it rotates. This parameter does not need modification. Valid values: >= 10. Default = 512
KTAP_AIX_LOG_ROTATE_NFILES The ktap.log rotation on AIX servers is enabled, by default, during installation or upgrade from previous version. This parameter specifies the maximum number of files to keep. This parameter does not need modification. Valid values: >= 2. Default=2

Table 2. Enterprise Load Balancing parameters. For more information, see Enterprise load balancing.
GIM parameter Description
STAP_LOAD_BALANCER_IP Required if you are configuring enterprise load balancing. If blank, enterprise load balancing is disabled.
The IP address or hostname of the central manager or managed unit this S-TAP uses for load balancing.
STAP_INITIAL_BALANCER_TAP_GROUP The name of the S-TAP group that this S-TAP belongs to, for enterprise load balancing.
STAP_INITIAL_BALANCER_MU_GROUP The name of the managed unit group that the app-group is associated with. Requires a defined LB-APP-GROUP. The managed unit group must exist on the central manager before it can be used during installation of the S-TAP.
STAP_LOAD_BALANCER_NODE_AFFINITY Whether the S-TAP connects to more than one managed unit, for enterprise load balancing. Some scenarios need all traffic to go to the same collector. With Oracle ATAP, for example, the analyzed client IP only shows if both the encrypted and unencrypted sessions go to the same managed unit. Valid values:
  • 0: Disabled. The S-TAP traffic goes to, at a maximum, the number of managed units specified by load_balancer_num_mus.
  • 1: Enabled. The S-TAP traffic goes to one managed unit, and has, at a maximum, the number of connections (to that managed unit) specified by load_balancer_num_mus.
See load_balancer_num_mus
STAP_LOAD_BALANCER_NUM_MUS The number of managed units the enterprise load balancer allocates for this S-TAP.