The slon looper is a utility that allows Guardium to walk (loop) through your Guardium
installation to gather information that can help solve customer issues. Configure and run the slon
looper from the Guardium Support Information Gathering page.
About this task
The slon looper logs message dumps and MustGather information that Guardium technical
support can use to help reproduce and resolve customer issues. The slon looper saves a message dump
when the conditions that you specify are found in the customer's environment, such as incorrect
database usernames or missing session parameters. After these conditions are satisfied, the looper
saves the MustGather data alongside the message dump. Guardium technical support can replay the
message dumps in IBM's secure environment to reproduce the issue. Typically, message dumps are
extensive binary files. In specific scenarios, especially with firewall and query rewrite issues,
the looper might log an encrypted text SLON file, as a message dump might not provide the needed
insights. Work with Guardium technical support to determine how to configure the slon looper for
your needs.
- Browse to .
Follow the instructions in Running must gather in the UI, and select Slon
looper. Do not select any other categories.
Looper configuration displays.
Click Select to open the Select looper
configuration window.
- If one or more slon looper configurations are available, select a looper and click
- If you do not have an existing configuration, click
to open the New looper
configuration window. For more information about configuring an slon looper, see Configuring the slon looper utility.
- After you select an slon looper configuration, click Start to
begin running the slon looper.
To view the results, browse to . You can open or save the
.tgz file.
What to do next
If you need detailed login information to solve your issue, Guardium technical support might
suggest that you configure and run the Login information dump
session level policy.
For more information, see Session-level policies and Login information dump example.