UNIX S-TAP cannot start: buffer size too large
S-TAP® cannot
start, its buffer size might be too large.
The S-TAP cannot
start and issues the following messages:
mmap: Not enough space Can't initialize: Can't mmap buffer file /tmp/stapbuf/ Error Initializing: Stap cannot initialize SQLGuard queue
The S-TAP is unable to allocate enough memory to match the buffer file.
Resolving the problem
Reduce the buffer file size for the S-TAP. The size is specified in the buffer_file_size parameter in the guard_tap.ini file.
You can also use the following formula to calculate the total memory that is used by the S-TAP
number of sqlguard main connections * buffer_file_size
For example, if you have 3 connections and buffer_file_size is set to 1 GB,
then you need a total of 3 GB of memory for S-TAP buffers
(3 *1GB = 3GB