Viewing job history

The job history view provides a Gantt chart that shows when jobs ran and for how long. The chart supports audit, aggregation, and data mart jobs and includes information about start and stop times, duration (current, shortest, longest, and average), and task count.

Before you begin

The job history chart does not show jobs that ran for less than 1 minute and does not show failed or canceled jobs.


  1. Open Investigate > Job History.
  2. Optional: Define a time period for the chart.
    The default period is two weeks, including the current date.
    1. Click the specify time period icon to open the Specify time period dialog.
    2. Use the Period start and Period end controls to define a time period.
    3. Click OK to apply the settings.
  3. Review the job history.
    Jobs are listed vertically on the y-axis while time is shown horizontally on the x-axis. Job duration is indicated by the length of horizontal bars that represent individual jobs.
  4. Investigate specific jobs.
    1. Hover on individual jobs to see details.
      Depending on the specific job, the details can include start and stop times, duration (current, shortest, longest, and average), and task count.
    2. For jobs with tasks, click the job to see individual tasks and task durations.