Creating a custom report to validate query rewrite results

Learn how to create a query rewrite tracking report for auditing query rewrite activity.

Before you begin

To complete this task, you need to have created and installed access policy rules that apply query rewrite definitions, and you need to be familiar with creating reports.

About this task

A query rewrite tracking report helps validate query rewrite actions in both test and production environments.


  1. Follow instructions in Using the Query-Report Builder to create a new query.
  2. Select one of the main entities:
    • Query Rewrite Log
    • Client/Server
    • Session
    • Access Period
  3. Include the following items as a starting point for your query rewrite report:
    • Client/Server: Timestamp
    • Client/Server: DB User Name
    • Client/Server: Server Type
    • Query Rewrite Log: Applied QR Definition Names
    • Query Rewrite Log: Input SQL
    • Query Rewrite Log: Output SQL
  4. Save the report when complete.
  5. Click Add to My Custom Reports to add the report to your custom reports.
  6. Open Reports > My Custom Reports and select the report you created to view a report of query rewrite actions.