
This command lists the associations between a query rewrite condition and a query rewrite action for a particular query definition.

This API is available in Guardium V10.1.4 and later.

REST API syntax

This API is available as a REST service with the GET method. Call this API as follows:
GET https://[Guardium hostname or IP address]:8443/restAPI/qr_condition_to_action

GuardAPI syntax

list_qr_condition_to_action parameter=value


Parameter Value type Description
actionName String Required. The unique identifier for the query rewrite action.
definitionName String Required. A query rewrite definition.
detail Boolean Valid values:
  • 0: False. Returns the name only.
  • 1: True. Returns all the associated attributes of the conditions.

Default = 1 (true)


grdapi list_qr_condition_to_action actionName="qr action15_2" definitionName="case 15"
<servername>> grdapi list_qr_condition_to_action actionName="qr action2" definitionName="case 2"

         QR Condtions of Action 'qr action2' - (id = 1 )


qr condition id: 1
qr condition name: qr cond2
qr definition ID: 1
qr condition verb: *
qr condition object: *
qr condition dept: -1
is verb regex: false
is object regex: false
is action for all rule verbs: false
is action for all rule objects: false
qr condition order: 1