
Use the list_aliases command to show some or all of the current aliases for a specified object.

Use list_aliases to show any aliases that meet the specified criteria.
Note: Some special rules apply to the syntax for the API parameters:
  • The groupTypeDescLike parameter always evaluates as Like. For example, if you pass in the value IP, the API evaluates the value as %IP%.
  • The ampersand (&) character is required between each parameter and must have an escape, Enter it as &&.
  • For the values of dbValueLike and aliasValueLike, use the Like operator (%) to return partial matches. However, % is a special character that is passed as %25 (25 is the ASCII representation of %).
Therefore, the parameters in a curl command must appear as shown in the following example:

This API is available in Guardium V11.0 and later.

REST API syntax

This API is available as a REST service with the GET method. Call this API as follows:
GET https://[Guardium hostname or IP address]:8443/restAPI/alias

GuardAPI syntax

list_aliases parameter=value


Parameter Value type Description
aliasValueLike String All or part of an alias name.
dbValueLike String All or part of a database name.
groupTypeDescLike String Required. All or part of the Group Type description (such as ClientIP or Service Name) for an alias.


The following example returns all of the aliases from IP objects (such as client or server IP) where the alias ends with the number one.> grdapi list_aliases groupTypeDescLike="IP" aliasValueLike="%1" dbValueLike="%"
This command provides the following output:
Group Type: Client IP DB Value: Alias Value: A1
Group Type: Client IP DB Value: Alias Value: B1
Group Type: Server IP DB Value: Alias Value: C1
The following example returns all of the aliases from IP objects (such as client or server IP) where the alias contains the letter "C".
[tester@oc3843647344 ~]$ curl \
-k --header "Authorization:Bearer 395fea0f-4cbf-487d-90ef-d2241c5843c6" \
-i -H "Content-Type:application/json" 
-X GET " \

This command provides the following JSON output:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
. . .
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 20:02:59 GMT
Server: SQL Guard
{ "groupType": "Server IP", "DbValue": "", "AliasValue": "C1" }
{ "groupType": "Server IP", "DbValue": "", "AliasValue": "C2" }
{ "groupType": "Server IP", "DbValue": "", "AliasValue": "C3" }