
This command enables the FAM file crawler, which sends the file metadata and data from its discovery and classification processes to the Guardium system. The results are automatically added to quick search index files. Use the parameters to schedule quick search for file activity, and entitlement extractions.

Note: The Investigation Dashboard must also be enabled with the command grdapi enable_quick_search schedule_interval=1.

This API is available in Guardium V10.1.4 and later.

REST API syntax

This API is available as a REST service with the PUT method. Call this API as follows:
PUT https://[Guardium hostname or IP address]:8443/restAPI/enable_fam_crawler

GuardAPI syntax

enable_fam_crawler parameter=value


Parameter Value type Description
activity_schedule_interval String Required. The frequency at which the database sends file activity audits to enterprise search. The recommended interval is 2 with activity_schedule_units set to MINUTE.
activity_schedule_units String Required. The unit for activity_schedule_interval. The recommended unit is MINUTE. Valid values:
  • HOUR
entitlement_schedule_interval String Required. The frequency at which the database sends file entitlements and classifier results to the Guardium system. The recommended interval is 1 with the entitlement_schedule_units set to DAY.
entitlement_schedule_units String Required. The unit for entitlement_schedule_interval. The recommended unit is DAY. Valid values:
  • DAY
  • HOUR
extraction_start Date Initial date/time from which data is extracted to the file quick search. The default is current time; the earliest time you can specify is 2 days ago. If the entitlement_schedule_units is set to HOUR, then it is rounded to an hour. If it is set to DAY, then it is rounded to a day.
schedule_start Date The default is current time.


To enable the FAM crawler with the recommended values: file activity audit details are sent are sent every two minutes, and entitlement details are sent daily.

grdapi enable_fam_crawler activity_schedule_interval=2 activity_schedule_units=MINUTE entitlement_schedule_interval=1 entitlement_schedule_units=DAY