Protocol 7 Guardium Hosts (SQLGuard) parameters

These parameters describe a Guardium system to which this S-TAP can connect. All parameters in this section are basic, and appear in the [SQL_GUARD] section.

Attention: If a parameter is available through both the Guardium installation manager (GIM) and the command line interface (CLI), then the GIM parameter, including any defaults, always overwrites any value that is available from WINSTAP_CMD_LINE.
GUI GIM guard_tap.ini Default value Description
check mark(checkmark indicates the primary host)   PRIMARY   Indicates the primary Guardium system for this S-TAP. In guard_tap.ini: 0=secondary, 1=primary
    TAP_GUARD_TCP_PORT 9500 Read only. Port used for S-TAP to connect to Guardium system.
Guardium Host WINSTAP_SQLGUARD_IP SQLGUARD_IP NULL IP address or hostname of the Guardium system that acts as the host for the S-TAP. You can define multiple hosts by adding [SQLGuard_1], [SQLGuard_2], and so on.

SQLGUARD_IP and SOFTWARE_TAP_HOST must be both either IPv4 or IPv6. Do not mix IP modes for these addresses.