Linux-UNIX: Uninstalling S-TAP agents using the shell installer

Perform this procedure before installing a new version of S-TAP if you want to save the old configuration file.

Before you begin

About this task

If you have installed A-TAP, you must deactivate it before attempting any upgrade/install operations; see the description of the A-TAP deactivation command, in Linux-UNIX: Deactivating A-TAP.

If you are removing a previous version of S-TAP that used K-TAP, this procedure includes rebooting the database server. If K-TAP has been installed, you have a device file named: /dev/guard_ktap.


  1. Log on to the database server system using the root account.
  2. Optionally, copy the S-TAP configuration file to a safe location (a non-Guardium directory). By default, the full path name is: /usr/local/guardium/guard_stap/guard_tap.ini.
    You can use this file later if you have to re-install this version of the software, or you can refer to it when configuring an updated version of S-TAP. Do not ever use an older configuration file directly with a newer version of the software - newer properties may be missing, and the defaults taken may result in unexpected behavior when you start S-TAP.
  3. Run the uninstall script. For example, if the default directory has been used: [root@yourserver ~]# /usr/local/guardium/guard_stap/uninstall
  4. If your previous version of S-TAP included K-TAP, reboot the database server now.