Linux-UNIX: Using guard-config-update to start, restart, and stop S-TAP, and view status
You can use the guard-config-update utility to update your S-TAP configuration (without using the GUI), whether S-TAP was installed with GIM, RPM, or shell.
Before you begin
For all commands,
is the path to the
guard-config-update utility, where the path depends on your installation type,
as follows,- Shell installation - Default path = /usr/local/guardium/bin/guard-config-update
- GIM installation - Default path = /usr/local/modules/STAP/current/guard-config-update
- RPM installation - Default path = /opt/guardium/bin/guard-config-update
Note: If your site does not use the default filepath, make sure you know the correct location
for the guard-config-update utility.