Linux-UNIX: Configuring Db2, Informix, and Teradata exit by using the script

Run the script to configure and activate the Db2, Informix, and Teradata exit libraries. The script makes all of the configuration updates in both the database and the S-TAP.

Before you begin

About this task

The script is part of the S-TAP installation, and is located in the S-TAP installation directory. This script is an alternative to the exit configuration tasks described in Linux-UNIX: Configuring Db2 Exit, Linux-UNIX: Configuring Informix Exit, Linux-UNIX: Configuring Teradata exit, which describe the full configuration of each exit.

If this database is the only one to monitor, then K-TAP is not required. Set ktap_installed=0 in guard_tap.ini, or with GIM set ktap_enabled to no. However, if another database (DB_TYPE is not EXIT) needs monitoring by S-TAP, then K-TAP is required.


  1. Log in to the database server as root, and access the S-TAP installation directory.
  2. Run ./ [db2 | informix | teradata]
    The script starts to run, and prompts you for the required details. When you complete the script, the system responds with a message similar to one of:
    • If the configuration is valid: DB <db user> has a GOOD setup for EXIT.
    • If you skipped something in the configuration: <xxx> is skipped, <yyy> will not work. This message indicates that the inspection engine is not properly configured for the type of exit library.
    • If the inspection engine is not an exit inspection engine, or not a specified DB type, the script skips the inspection engine, and a message is logged as Section ${db_section} is not target IE, skip
    • If the script setup needs an S-TAP restart: To work with EXIT, please restart STAP!!.
    • If the script setup needs a database restart: Please restart the <db_type> (<db_user>)!!, for example a DB2 with db_user of db2inst1 Please restart the DB2 (db2inst1)!!.
  3. Optional: Set up Zone or WPARs.
    1. In the secondary zone or WPAR, install the same version of S-TAP that is already installed in global, with K-TAP disabled.
    2. On the zone or WPAR, add the exit inspection engine in the guard_tap.ini or configure by using the GUI.
    3. If discovery automatically created any inspection engines for zones or WPARs on the global zone, delete them.