Run the script to configure and activate the Db2,
Informix, and Teradata exit libraries. The script makes all of the configuration updates in both the
database and the S-TAP.
Before you begin
- Make sure you know the database username.
- The inspection engine for the exit library must be configured on the database. Use one of the
following methods:
About this task
The script is part of the S-TAP installation, and is
located in the S-TAP installation directory. This script is an alternative to the exit configuration
tasks described in Linux-UNIX: Configuring Db2 Exit, Linux-UNIX: Configuring Informix Exit,
Linux-UNIX: Configuring Teradata exit, which describe the full configuration of each exit.If this
database is the only one to monitor, then K-TAP is not
required. Set ktap_installed=0 in guard_tap.ini, or with
GIM set ktap_enabled to no. However, if another database
(DB_TYPE is not EXIT) needs monitoring by S-TAP, then K-TAP is required.
Log in to the database server as root, and access the S-TAP installation
- Run ./ [db2 | informix |
The script starts to run, and prompts you for the required
details. When you complete the script, the system responds with a message similar to one of:
- If the configuration is valid: DB <db user> has a GOOD setup for
- If you skipped something in the configuration: <xxx> is skipped, <yyy> will
not work. This message indicates that the inspection engine is not properly
configured for the type of exit library.
- If the inspection engine is not an exit inspection engine, or not a specified DB type, the
script skips the inspection engine, and a message is logged as Section ${db_section}
is not target IE, skip
- If the script setup needs an S-TAP restart: To work with EXIT, please restart
- If the script setup needs a database restart: Please restart the <db_type>
(<db_user>)!!, for example a DB2 with db_user of db2inst1 Please
restart the DB2 (db2inst1)!!.
- Optional: Set up Zone or WPARs.
- In the secondary zone or WPAR, install the same version of S-TAP that is already
installed in global, with K-TAP disabled.
- On the zone or WPAR, add the exit inspection engine in the guard_tap.ini or
configure by using the GUI.
- If discovery automatically created any inspection engines for zones or WPARs on the global zone,
delete them.