S-TAP verification domain

This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.

STAP verification header entity

Attribute Description
Datasource Id Primary key from the mysql turbine database table – Datasources
IE Database Type Inspection Engine Database Type
Last Verification Time The time at which the S-TAP verification was run.
Next Verification Date Time The time at which the next S-TAP verification should run.
STAP Host Host name of the server where the S-TAP in installed.
STAP IP Address IP address of the server where the S-TAP in installed.
STAP Instance Name Name of the S-TAP instance
STAP Port The port on the DB server that the S-TAP monitors
STAP Verification HeaderID S-TAP verification header table primary key.
STAP Verification Result The result of the verification.
STAP Verification Status The status of the verification.
TAP DB Server Type The database server type
Verification Scheduled Whether or not verification is scheduled.
Verification Type The type of verification: advanced or normal.

STAP verification result entity

Attribute Description
Datasource Description The description of the datasource (from the datasources table).
Datasource ID The primary key of the datasources table.
Datasource Service Name Service Name running on the datasource
Datasource Severity  
Datasource Type Datasource type of the inspection engine being verified.
STAP Database Type Type of database on which the S-TAP is installed.
STAP Host Host name of the server where the S-TAP is installed.
STAP IP Address IP address of the server where the S-TAP in installed.
STAP Instance Name Name of the S-TAP instance
STAP Port The port on the DB server that the S-TAP monitors
STAP Verification HeaderID S-TAP verification header table primary key.
STAP Verification Result The result of the verification.
STAP Verification Status The status of the verification.
STAP Verification Time The time of the verification.
Verification Type The type of verification: advanced or normal.