S-TAP Status domain

This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.

STAP Properties entity

Note: View the S-TAP properties by creating a new report in the Query-Report Builder page. Select the main entity as S-TAP Properties and query as S-TAP Status. Some of the properties are listed in the below table.
Attribute Description
# CPU  
Acknowledged by S-TAP  
App Server Installed Whether or not an App server is installed. Yes / No
DB2 Shm Whether or not a DB2 shared memory driver is installed. Yes / No.
Encrypted? Whether or not communication from S-TAP is encrypted. Unencrypted / encryption type.
Firewall Installed Whether or not a firewall in installed on the S-TAP. Yes or No.
Guardium® Hosts Lists the primary Guardium host, followed by all additional Guardiumhosts (for UNIX: tertiary and so on, in descending order).
Hunter DBS Deprecated.
Ktap Installed Whether or not K-TAP in installed on the S-TAP. Yes / No.
Local TCP Whether or not the S-TAP is running TCP locally. Yes / No.
MSS Shm Whether or not MSS shared memory driver is installed. Yes / No.
Pipes Whether or not a named pipes driver is installed on the S-TAP. Yes / No.
Primary Host Name IP or hostname of the primary Guardium system receiving data from this S-TAP.
Sender IP  
Software Tap Host IP or hostname of the DB hosting this S-TAP
TEE installed Deprecated.
Tap Version The S-TAP software version.
Timestamp Timestamp of the S-TAP status.
DB Install Dir For DB2, Informix, or Oracle: the full path name for the database installation directory. For example: /home/oracle10. All other database types: NA.
DB Port max Ending port number of the range of listening ports for the database.
DB Port min Starting port number of the range of listening ports that are configured for the database.
DB Server type Protocol of the DB server
Inspection Engine Name Inspection Engine Name.
Instance Name The name of the database instance.
Port Range The monitored port range.
Sequence The sequence number of the inspection engine.
Status S-TAP status. One of: Active, Inactive , Synchronizing.
Tap ID Inspection engine identifier.
Timestamp Timestamp of the report.
Unix Domain Socket Marker The UNIX domain sockets marker for Oracle, MySQL and Postgres.

STAP DB server entity

Attribute Description
DB Exec File Database service executable that is monitored.
DB Install Dir For DB2, Informix, or Oracle: the full path name for the database installation directory. For example: /home/oracle10. All other database types: NA
DB Port max Ending port number of the range of listening ports for the database.
DB Port min Starting port number of the range of listening ports that are configured for the database.
DB Server Type Protocol of the DB server
Inspection Engine Name Name of the inspection engine
Instance Name The name of the database instance
Port Range The monitored port range.
Sequence The sequence number of the inspection engine.
Status S-TAP status. One of: Active, Inactive , Synchronizing.
Tap ID Inspection engine identifier
Timestamp Timestamp of the report.
Unix Domain Socket Marker The UNIX domain sockets marker for Oracle, MySQL and Postgres.