BigData Intelligence Classifier Results domain

Reports on classifier process results. This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.

Available to roles: all.

This domain is available in Guardium systems that have a defined datasource of type GBDI.

BigData Intelligence Classifier Results Entity

Description Description
Catalog Catalog location for results set.
Category Category for the rule.
Classification Name Classification for the rule.
Column Name Column name from the rule definition.
Comments Any comments added to this rule definition.
Datasource Description Datasource for the rule.
Guardium Appliance Host name of collector that reported this data.
Process Description Local copy of Global Process description
Rule Description The classifier policy rule description.
Schema Schema name if applicable.
Start Date Date in the timestamp at start of job.
Start DateTime Timestamp at start of job.
Table Name Table name from the rule definition.
UTC Offset The difference in time between UTC time and time of collector that reported that data