Analytic Outlier Details domain
This domain has detailed descriptions of activities and errors that have been identified as outliers. This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.
Available to roles: admin
Analytic Outlier Details Entity
Attribute | Description |
Anomaly Score | Final anomaly score |
Client hostname | Client host name. |
Client IP | Client IP address. |
DB User Name | DB user that executed the activity. |
Error Outlier | Whether or not the outlier is of type error. True/False. |
High Volume Outlier | Whether or not the outlier is of type high volume. True/False. |
New Outlier | Whether or not the outlier is of type new. True/False. |
Number of Instances | Activity volume. |
OS User | OS user that executed the activity. |
OS user | OS user account for the interaction. |
Object | Object on which the user executed the activity. |
Objects/Verbs | The object/verb combination that was used in the activity. |
Outlier Type | Deprecated |
Period Start | Start time of the period in which the activity occurred. |
Server IP | IP of server on which the activity occurred. |
Server Type | Type of server on which the activity occurred. |
Service Name | The service name that was used in the activity. |
Source Program | Source Program in which the activity occurred. |
Temp Outlier | Whether or not the outlier is of type temp. True/False. Deprecated from v11.1. |
Textual description | Description of the outlier activity; may include, for example, database name, user name, object. |
Timestamp | Timestamp of the activity. |
Verb | The verb used in the activity. |
Vulnerable obj. Outlier | Whether or not the outlier is of type vulnerable object. True/False. |