Analytic Outlier Details domain

This domain has detailed descriptions of activities and errors that have been identified as outliers. This topic describes the domain's entities and attributes.

Available to roles: admin

Analytic Outlier Details Entity

Attribute Description
Anomaly Score Final anomaly score
Client hostname Client host name.
Client IP Client IP address.
DB User Name DB user that executed the activity.
Error Outlier Whether or not the outlier is of type error. True/False.
High Volume Outlier Whether or not the outlier is of type high volume. True/False.
New Outlier Whether or not the outlier is of type new. True/False.
Number of Instances Activity volume.
OS User OS user that executed the activity.
OS user OS user account for the interaction.
Object Object on which the user executed the activity.
Objects/Verbs The object/verb combination that was used in the activity.
Outlier Type Deprecated
Period Start Start time of the period in which the activity occurred.
Server IP IP of server on which the activity occurred.
Server Type Type of server on which the activity occurred.
Service Name The service name that was used in the activity.
Source Program Source Program in which the activity occurred.
Temp Outlier Whether or not the outlier is of type temp. True/False. Deprecated from v11.1.
Textual description Description of the outlier activity; may include, for example, database name, user name, object.
Timestamp Timestamp of the activity.
Verb The verb used in the activity.
Vulnerable obj. Outlier Whether or not the outlier is of type vulnerable object. True/False.