Creating a datasource group

A datasource group is a collection of datasources that you can act on as a single unit. You can specify a datasource group in most Guardium® applications where you can specify a single datasource, such as security assessments, classification, and discovery scenarios. Create datasource groups from the Datasource Definitions page in the Guardium UI.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have the necessary privileges to access the database.

About this task

Use the following procedure to define a datasource group from the Datasource Definitions page.


  1. From the Guardium UI, browse to Setup > Tools and Views > Datasource Definitions.
  2. Click the Datasource groups tab.

    To view the datasources in any group, click the Display datasource list icon in the Group name column.

  3. Click New datasource group to open the Create group window.
  4. Enter a name for the new group.
  5. Select the Group type
    • Datasources based on criteria - Specify criteria to find existing datasources to include in the group. Use the dropdown lists to select the datasources for your group based on Datasource type, Application type, and Severity.
    • Selected datasources - Select existing datasources from the Available Datasources table.
      1. From the Available Datasources table, you can take the following actions:
        • Click Create datasource to create a new datasource.
        • Select a datasource and click Edit datasource to update that datasource.
        • Use the Filter box to filter on the datasource name, type, hostname or IP address, or username.
        • Select the datasources that you want to include in the group. You can select the checkbox in the table heading to select all available datasources. If you created a filter, only the filtered datasources are selected.
      2. After you create the list of datasources for your group, click Move right icon to move the selected list to the Selected Datasources table.
  6. Optionally, click Roles to assign one or more roles to this group.
  7. When you are done, click Save to save your group.

What to do next

You can specify a datasource group in most Guardium applications that accept datasources, including classification and Vulnerability Assessments (VA).

You can edit any existing datasource group.