
Optionally create an audit process by defining receivers, a distribution sequence, and review options for the discovery and classification report.

About this task

You can define any number of receivers for the results of a discovery workflow, and you can control the order in which they receive results. In addition, you can specify process control options, such as whether a receiver needs to sign off on the results before they are sent to the next receiver.


  1. Open the Audit section to define receivers for discovery reports.
  2. Use the Audit process menu to select an audit process to use with the discovery scenario.
    When creating a new discovery scenario, a new audit process name is suggested in the format of [scenario name] Audit process [timestamp]. For example, creating a scenario named discover_cadl results in an audit process named disover_cadl Audit process [2018-01-01 12:00:00].
  3. Add receivers to your discovery scenario by clicking the New icon and defining options for how the reports are delivered.
    • If sending the report to Guardium users, roles, or groups, you will need to define process control options.
    • If sending the report to email recipients, provide their email address and filter the report by a Guardium username that is appropriate for the email recipient.
  4. Click OK to add the receiver to the discovery workflow.
    Continue adding additional receivers to the scenario if needed.
  5. Optionally click the reorder receivers icon and use the up arrow and down arrow icons to change the order in which reports are distributed to recipients. This is important when using sequential distribution as it determines which receivers must review or sign the report before it is sent to subsequent receivers.


An audit process is created after defining receivers and saving the discovery scenario. To view, edit, or run this process directly, use the Audit Process Builder.

The audit process remains inactive until it is scheduled using the Schedule section of the discovery scenario or using the Audit Process Builder. You can also run the audit process by visiting the Audit Process Builder, selecting the audit process, and clicking Run Once Now.

What to do next

Optionally, continue to the next section of the discovery workflow, Schedule.