Modifying the report display

You can select the report type (tabular or chart), change the column names, and configure the color indication rules.

About this task

The Chart type report is available only if one of these is true:
  • The Count checkbox is selected on the query level.
  • All the columns in the query are numeric.


  1. Select the report type. By default it is Tabular. If you select Chart, choose a chart type from the type drop-down list.
  2. In the Column Heading section, you can change the names of the columns from the attribute name to a name of your choice.
  3. In the Color Indication Rules section:
    1. Create a rule by clicking add new rule, and assign a color to the rule. The first match (from top to bottom) determines the color in the report.
    2. Add more rules by clicking add new rule, and assign a color to the rule.
    3. Modify the rule order using down and up.