Workflow Builder

Use the Workflow Builder to define customized workflows (steps, transitions, and actions) that you can use with audit processes.

For additional information, see Building audit processes. Follow these steps to:

  • Define the workflow steps (Event Status)
  • Define the flow of transit from one step to another (Actions)
  • Define which actions require sign-off
  • Assign roles to each status, to define the users permitted to view each status

Relevant Terms for this feature

Event Type - Custom workflow

Event Status - State/status of the workflow.

Event Action - Action/Transition

Note: Workflow Builder is an optional component enabled by product key.

Create a Workflow Process

  1. With an Admin account, open the Workflow Builder by navigating to Comply > Tools and Views > Workflow Builder. With a User account that has DataPrivacy privileges, open the Workflow Builder by navigating to Accelerators > Data Privacy > Track & Monitor > Audit Trail and Workflow Automation.
  2. At the first screen (Event Type), click Event Status to go to the Event Status configuration.
  3. Click Add Event Status to define a new Event Status. A multiple of Event Status are expected. Fill in the status description and place a check mark in the Is Final check box if the task is a final task in the workflow.
  4. Click Event Type and then click Add on Add Event Type Definition to define a new Event Type.
  5. Fill in the description and designate the first task in the workflow.
  6. Then choose all the Allowed Status for the workflow from the Available Status list, by highlighting the Status item and clicking on the > button between the Available Status List and Allowed Status List.
  7. When done, click the Save button. Note: the Save button (or Cancel button) only apply to changes made to name, default event or available events.  
  8. Go to the Defined Event Actions section of the Event Type menu screen. Defined Event Actions involves designating the separate Event Actions of the workflow.
  9. Click the New button.
  10. Fill in the Event Action Description and designate Prior status, Next status and if Sign-off of this event action is required. Click the Apply button.
  11. Repeat Steps 9 and 10 until all event actions are described and designated.
  12. Go to the Roles section of the Event Type menu screen. Roles involve defining who can see the event when it is in a particular Event Action. For example, who can see events that are "Under Review" and who can see events that are "Approved".
  13. Select the Event Type Status and click the Roles button.
  14. In the Assign Security Roles panel, mark all of the roles you want to assign (you will only see the roles that have been assigned to your account). Click Apply to save security role choices. Click the Back button.
  15. Repeat steps 13 through 14 until all event type status have had roles defined.
  16. The configuration effort from Workflow Builder is done.
  17. Open the Audit Process Builder by navigating to Comply > Tools and Views > Audit Process Builder to schedule the workflow and build and show workflow reports. See the Audit Process Builder steps under Define a Report Task.

There is a usage scenario, Workflow Builder Workflow Example in the Appendices.

Note: If the task type in Audit Process Builder is Classification Process, then Workflow Builder can not create customized workflows.

Warning Note: When a workflow event is created, every status used by that event can be assigned a role (meaning that events can only be seen by this role when in this status).  When an event is assigned to an audit process, it is important that every role that is assigned to a status of this event have a receiver on this audit process.  Otherwise, it is possible that an audit result row can be put into a status where none of its receivers are able to see this row or change its status.

If an audit row becomes inaccessible, the admin user (who is able to see all events, regardless of their roles) would be able to see the row and change its status. However, if data level security is on, the admin user may not be able to see this row. The admin user would need to either turn data level security off (from Global Profile) or have the dataset_exempt role. It is important to configure the audit process so that all roles who must act on an event associated with this audit process are receivers of this audit process.

Note: Deletion of a event status is permitted only if the status is not in the first or final status of any events, and if it not used by any action. The validation will provide a list of events/actions that prevent the status from being deleted.

Add Default Events only to limited number of records

When running an Audit Process report task, the results of this process task are saved in the table, REPORT_RESULT_DATA_ROW. This table will have a row for every row of the report. If this report task also has a default event assigned to it, a row is added to the table, TASK_RESULT_ADDITIONAL_INFO, for every row of the report. This may lead to a disk space issue only if default events are used for large results. Create events only on task results with a limited number of records, otherwise users will never be able to manage the large number of records. If default events are used in the intended limited manner, there will not be any disk space issues nor any usability issues, since it is not easy to close thousands of events.