Creating a test exception

When a test fails, you can apply an exception to the test. This exception allows the test to pass until a certain date, if specified, or indefinitely.


  1. In the Security Assessment Results screen, go the Assessment Test Results section.
  2. Go to the Test/Datasource that failed and click on the Fail link. You can also click on the Add test exception link to pull up the same screen.
  3. Select the Assessment scope. You can apply the exception to a specific security assessment, or to all assessments.
  4. Select the Datasource scope. You can apply the exception to a single datasource, a datasource group, or all datasources. The Single datasource option applies to the current datasource.
  5. The name of the Approver cannot be changed.
  6. Add a Start date, End date, provide a Justification for the exception and click Save. If an end date is not specified, then the exception will never expire.
  7. To add another exception, click on the View test exceptions link. This brings up a Confirmation screen that lists the existing test exceptions. You can create another test exception by clicking Create.