Perform this procedure before upgrading your Linux operation system to determine if there
is a matching K-TAP module for the
new kernel level, and if not to request the K-TAP module from
Technical Support.
Access Fix Central and select the product and version per your need, and click
- Enter ktap in the text field, and click
The K-TAP Bundle results
- Select fix pack: KTAP_List_of_Modules_v10 , and click
- Follow the instructions to acquire the file. For example, to download using HTTPS:
- Save the zip file, and open it to verify if your OS kernel is supported by the latest
K-TAP module release related to your version.
- If your kernel is not listed is not listed in the K-TAP list, open a Support Case:
For each database server system you need the KTAP module for, you must provide these details:
- Kernel version (output of uname -a)
- Operating System version (output of cat /etc/redhat-release or, depending
on the release ls /etc/*release* and then cat the output, or cat
- CPU Info (output of cat /proc/cpuinfo)
- Database type and version
- Which version of S-TAP the K-TAP module needs to
be compiled for
It typically takes up to 14 days to fulfill a new K-TAP module request.
Guardium informs the customer when the new K-TAP module is
available, ready to download.